Friday 23 June 2017

The children have worked really hard this term and some of the learning has been challenging. They have had a go at persuasive writing and done extremely well. A recent news item which had a go at an Australian supermarket for wrapping their fresh produce in non-recyclable plastic brought to our attention that Countdown in New Zealand is doing the same. So the children wrote to Countdown to tell them of all the downsides of doing this. Some of the children shared their letters with parents at our recent Student Led Conferences and Mr Bangma has read some. We are now working on Action Plans to makes changes to a problem that the children have identified around the school. Hopefully before the end of term the children will share their ideas with Mr Bangma and who knows we may get the go ahead. We will share the outcome on the next post. 

Our trip to the Botanic Gardens was hugely successful. There is nothing like being at the Gardens when the sun is shining. Happy faces, active children, and great learning. We had a very informative talk from Museum staff on why birds live in different habitats due to their physical characteristics. We then walked down to the curators house to hear about worms and the good work they can do in your garden. The children dug for tiger worms and made a worm house to put them in. I have loved hearing from parents about how responsible their child is being in looking after them. 

This visit was for you Rossi.

 And this one!!

 Free Time. Who needs fidget spinners!

 Digging for Worms
 I loved this photo. It looks like Rossi is taking part in a Rodeo. It is actually a tree branch. 

Annabelle makes a pot of tea. Mrs Layton loves all this retro stuff. 

Lunch in the sun.

Sitting on ginormous pumpkins these boys show their worm farms. 
Slishy, sloshy!!

Nathalia and Tasha practise reading 'O La'u Pusi ready for next weeks Book Week. 

On Wednesday I came back after release time to read this on the white board. A proud Mrs Layton. 

Lots of Dojo points were given after reading this.So what better way to spend them than a delivery of hot chips on a cold, wet day. 

Well deserved Room 14

Today we said goodbye to Miss Giles after 7 weeks of her lovely presence in Room 14. She heads to Thailand in a week for a well deserved break and back home to Canada at the end of the year. 

Two weeks until the end of term and we still have lots to pack in. Remember Book Week next week and Friday is dress up as your favourite book character. 

Keep warm and sane in this lovely weather !! 
Kind Regards
Jenny Layton 

Kia Ora Kotou Katoa Spring has sprung and isn't daylight saving a wonderful thing?? There were a lot of droopy bodies by 2 o'clock...