Friday 7 April 2017

End of term

Week 10, Term 1 Room 14

Kia ora

I'm NOT going to mention the week of rain. But I will mention how well the children coped with being inside most of the week. At times, learning rolled into play times as the engagement in an activity was too good to stop. The past week has also been an opportune moment to finish off lots of projects in the making. Mrs Weeks popped by Room 14 on Friday. She was greeted by fabric, wool, lego, craft bric a brac and more sprawling in all directions. She, I know understands creative mess. Thankfully, your children have all become masters at the tidy up process. 

The children have been working on celebrating the end of our Inquiry topic by depicting fashion through the ages. Their creations are looking quite spectacular and will hopefully play a part in our Term 2 year 3/4 assembly. I will post a photo at the end of next week. 

Maths Problem Solving - got me thinking!

Ka Pai team!! you earned 100 Dojo points which equals ice-creams.

Respect Band Recipient - Sophia Hunter. Woohoo!!

Making ramps as part of our Movement and Motion Science Unit. The children have all gained a good understanding about Forces and Friction.

Almost ready to test with a hot wheels car.

Back to the drawing board. Part of the design process boys!

Oral Language Time with Annabelle sharing her caterpillars.

The children absolutely loved this story 'Chocolate Cake', The focus on listening to how this narrator made his story entertaining. It was so............funny!!

Our Student Council representative for Term 1 off to his lunch time meeting with Mr Sim. You have done a great job Levi. 

Respect band recipient Corbin Hunger. Way to go Corbin. 

These girls are working on their linking. 

Annabelle and Nathalia work on recording maths sums.

One of the books this group had for reading was called The Impossible Bridge. Their task was to design a bridge that had to span two desks without falling down. The final test is to move two hot wheels cars along it. This project is still ongoing and the team of civil engineers are determined to succeed in this challenge.

Black Band recipients Lucia Dalglish and Tasha Masaga-Wilson.

We have been talking about the 5 senses to help us add more detail to our writing. We braved the rain to go and experience this cold Autumn day. 

What does rain taste like? Sound like?

What does a worm feel like?

What can you see happening to the leaves on the trees?
How do the leaves feel?

How to the chestnut cases feel?
Come and read our Autumn Sensory Poems in Room 14.

Mrs Layton is teaching Charlie McKay to become a blogger. The aim is to teach all the children how to post on the blog. Charlie is working on his typing skills. 

After the Port Hills fires the children wrote thank you letters to all our our brave Christchurch firefighters. What excitement when a big envelope arrived addressed to Room 14. A fire engine poster signed by lots of our fire fighters. Seriously cool!! All of the children's letters and pictures are now hanging up in fire stations around Christchurch. I am very proud of these children for taking the time out to thank others for what they do for our community. 

Keen readers at Library time. 

During our library sessions we make time to do research on a topic we are interested in. The children love sharing their findings. Blake is researching his question. Do sharks have bones?
Kaden wanted to find out about poisonous spiders. 

After reading our big book Magnetic Max, Nathalia wanted to find out about how magnets work.

Matty loves hearing facts about sharks. He wanted to research the hammer head shark. He found out that there are three different types of hammerhead. 

Assembly dog gets to sit in a seat from a Mosquito fighter plane from World War 2. Mr Langley has set up this display and there is a lot of information about the Battle of Jericho. Thanks Mr Langley. How you get the time???
Well done Room 14 for getting Assembly Dog at our last assembly. A parent even commented to me on the fabulous behaviour of the children and how well deserving they were of assembly dog. Agreed!

The children were amazed at the size of this bomb. 

Four days to go until the end of Term 1. Two words describe it. Action packed!! 
Kia kaha. 
Jenny Layton 

Kia Ora Kotou Katoa Spring has sprung and isn't daylight saving a wonderful thing?? There were a lot of droopy bodies by 2 o'clock...